home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /* $Id: pdf_pages.php,v 2.13 2005/02/22 03:24:16 lem9 Exp $ */
- // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
- /**
- * Gets some core libraries
- */
- require_once('./libraries/grab_globals.lib.php');
- require_once('./libraries/common.lib.php');
- require_once('./db_details_common.php');
- /**
- * Settings for relation stuff
- */
- require_once('./libraries/relation.lib.php');
- $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
- // This is to avoid "Command out of sync" errors. Before switching this to
- // a value of 0 (for MYSQLI_USE_RESULT), please check the logic
- // to free results wherever needed.
- $query_default_option = PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE;
- /**
- * Now in ./libraries/relation.lib.php we check for all tables
- * that we need, but if we don't find them we are quiet about it
- * so people can work without.
- * This page is absolutely useless if you didn't set up your tables
- * correctly, so it is a good place to see which tables we can and
- * complain ;-)
- */
- if (!$cfgRelation['relwork']) {
- echo sprintf($strNotSet, 'relation', 'config.inc.php') . '<br />' . "\n"
- . '<a href="./Documentation.html#relation" target="documentation">' . $strDocu . '</a>' . "\n";
- require_once('./footer.inc.php');
- }
- if (!$cfgRelation['displaywork']) {
- echo sprintf($strNotSet, 'table_info', 'config.inc.php') . '<br />' . "\n"
- . '<a href="./Documentation.html#table_info" target="documentation">' . $strDocu . '</a>' . "\n";
- require_once('./footer.inc.php');
- }
- if (!isset($cfgRelation['table_coords'])){
- echo sprintf($strNotSet, 'table_coords', 'config.inc.php') . '<br />' . "\n"
- . '<a href="./Documentation.html#table_coords" target="documentation">' . $strDocu . '</a>' . "\n";
- exit();
- }
- if (!isset($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])) {
- echo sprintf($strNotSet, 'pdf_page', 'config.inc.php') . '<br />' . "\n"
- . '<a href="./Documentation.html#pdf_pages" target="documentation">' . $strDocu . '</a>' . "\n";
- exit();
- }
- if ($cfgRelation['pdfwork']) {
- // Now is the time to work on all changes
- if (isset($do)) {
- switch ($do) {
- case 'choosepage':
- if ($action_choose=="1") {
- $ch_query = 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords'])
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\''
- . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $chpage;
- PMA_query_as_cu($ch_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- $ch_query = 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\''
- . ' AND page_nr = ' . $chpage;
- PMA_query_as_cu($ch_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- unset($chpage);
- }
- break;
- case 'createpage':
- if (!isset($newpage) || $newpage == '') {
- $newpage = $strNoDescription;
- }
- $ins_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])
- . ' (db_name, page_descr)'
- . ' VALUES (\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\', \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($newpage) . '\')';
- PMA_query_as_cu($ins_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- // A u t o m a t i c l a y o u t
- //
- // TODO: support InnoDB
- if (isset($autolayout)) {
- // save the page number
- $pdf_page_number = PMA_DBI_insert_id((isset($dbh)?$dbh:''));
- // get the tables that have relations, by descending
- // number of links
- $master_tables = 'SELECT COUNT(master_table), master_table'
- . ' FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['relation'])
- . ' WHERE master_db = \'' . $db . '\''
- . ' GROUP BY master_table'
- . ' ORDER BY ' . PMA_backquote('COUNT(master_table)') . ' DESC ';
- $master_tables_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($master_tables, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- if ($master_tables_rs && PMA_DBI_num_rows($master_tables_rs) > 0) {
- // first put all the master tables at beginning
- // of the list, so they are near the center of
- // the schema
- while (list(,$master_table) = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($master_tables_rs)) {
- $all_tables[] = $master_table;
- }
- // then for each master, add its foreigns into an array
- // of foreign tables, if not already there
- // (a foreign might be foreign for more than
- // one table, and might be a master itself)
- $foreign_tables = array();
- foreach ($all_tables AS $master_table) {
- $foreigners = PMA_getForeigners($db, $master_table);
- foreach ($foreigners AS $foreigner) {
- if (!in_array($foreigner['foreign_table'], $foreign_tables)) {
- $foreign_tables[] = $foreigner['foreign_table'];
- }
- }
- }
- // then merge the arrays
- foreach ($foreign_tables AS $foreign_table) {
- if (!in_array($foreign_table, $all_tables)) {
- $all_tables[] = $foreign_table;
- }
- }
- // now generate the coordinates for the schema,
- // in a clockwise spiral
- $pos_x = 300;
- $pos_y = 300;
- $delta = 50;
- $delta_mult = 1.34;
- $direction = "right";
- foreach ($all_tables AS $current_table) {
- // save current table's coordinates
- $insert_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords']) . ' '
- . '(db_name, table_name, pdf_page_number, x, y) '
- . 'VALUES (\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\', \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($current_table) . '\',' . $pdf_page_number . ',' . $pos_x . ',' . $pos_y . ')';
- PMA_query_as_cu($insert_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- // compute for the next table
- switch ($direction) {
- case 'right':
- $pos_x += $delta;
- $direction = "down";
- $delta *= $delta_mult;
- break;
- case 'down':
- $pos_y += $delta;
- $direction = "left";
- $delta *= $delta_mult;
- break;
- case 'left':
- $pos_x -= $delta;
- $direction = "up";
- $delta *= $delta_mult;
- break;
- case 'up':
- $pos_y -= $delta;
- $direction = "right";
- $delta *= $delta_mult;
- break;
- } // end switch
- } // end while
- } // end if there are master tables
- $chpage = $pdf_page_number;
- } // end if isset autolayout
- break;
- case 'edcoord':
- for ($i = 0; $i < $c_table_rows; $i++) {
- $arrvalue = 'c_table_' . $i;
- $arrvalue = $$arrvalue;
- if (!isset($arrvalue['x']) || $arrvalue['x'] == '') {
- $arrvalue['x'] = 0;
- }
- if (!isset($arrvalue['y']) || $arrvalue['y'] == '') {
- $arrvalue['y'] = 0;
- }
- if (isset($arrvalue['name']) && $arrvalue['name'] != '--') {
- $test_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords'])
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\''
- . ' AND table_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($arrvalue['name']) . '\''
- . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $chpage;
- $test_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($test_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- if ($test_rs && PMA_DBI_num_rows($test_rs) > 0) {
- if (isset($arrvalue['delete']) && $arrvalue['delete'] == 'y') {
- $ch_query = 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords'])
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\''
- . ' AND table_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($arrvalue['name']) . '\''
- . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $chpage;
- } else {
- $ch_query = 'UPDATE ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords']) . ' '
- . 'SET x = ' . $arrvalue['x'] . ', y= ' . $arrvalue['y']
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\''
- . ' AND table_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($arrvalue['name']) . '\''
- . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $chpage;
- }
- } else {
- $ch_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords']) . ' '
- . '(db_name, table_name, pdf_page_number, x, y) '
- . 'VALUES (\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\', \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($arrvalue['name']) . '\',' . $chpage . ',' . $arrvalue['x'] . ',' . $arrvalue['y'] . ')';
- }
- PMA_query_as_cu($ch_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- } // end if
- } // end for
- break;
- case 'deleteCrap':
- foreach ($delrow AS $current_row) {
- $d_query = 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords']) . ' ' . "\n"
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\'' . "\n"
- . ' AND table_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($current_row) . '\'' . "\n"
- . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $chpage;
- PMA_query_as_cu($d_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- }
- break;
- } // end switch
- } // end if (isset($do))
- // We will need an array of all tables in this db
- $selectboxall = array('--');
- $alltab_rs = PMA_DBI_query('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . ';', NULL, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE);
- while ($val = @PMA_DBI_fetch_row($alltab_rs)) {
- $selectboxall[] = $val[0];
- }
- // Now first show some possibility to choose a page for the pdf
- $page_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['pdf_pages'])
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\'';
- $page_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($page_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- if ($page_rs && PMA_DBI_num_rows($page_rs) > 0) {
- ?>
- <form method="get" action="pdf_pages.php" name="selpage">
- <?php echo $strChoosePage . "\n"; ?>
- <?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db, $table); ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="do" value="choosepage" />
- <select name="chpage" onchange="this.form.submit()">
- <?php
- while ($curr_page = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($page_rs)) {
- echo "\n" . ' '
- . '<option value="' . $curr_page['page_nr'] . '"';
- if (isset($chpage) && $chpage == $curr_page['page_nr']) {
- echo ' selected="selected"';
- }
- echo '>' . $curr_page['page_nr'] . ': ' . $curr_page['page_descr'] . '</option>';
- } // end while
- echo "\n";
- ?>
- </select>
- <input type="radio" name="action_choose" value="0" id="radio_choose0" checked="checked" style="vertical-align: middle" /><label for="radio_choose0">
- <?php echo $strEdit; ?> </label>
- <input type="radio" name="action_choose" value="1" id="radio_choose1" style="vertical-align: middle" /><label for="radio_choose1">
- <?php echo $strDelete; ?> </label>
- <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
- </form>
- <?php
- }
- echo "\n";
- // Possibility to create a new page:
- ?>
- <form method="post" action="pdf_pages.php" name="crpage">
- <?php echo $strCreatePage . "\n"; ?>
- <?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db, $table); ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="do" value="createpage" />
- <input type="text" name="newpage" size="20" maxlength="50" />
- <input type="checkbox" name="autolayout" />
- <?php echo '(' . $strAutomaticLayout . ')' . "\n"; ?>
- <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
- </form>
- <?php
- // Now if we already have chosen a page number then we should show the
- // tables involved
- if (isset($chpage) && $chpage > 0) {
- echo "\n";
- ?>
- <hr />
- <h2><?php echo $strSelectTables ;?></h2>
- <?php
- $page_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($cfgRelation['table_coords'])
- . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($db) . '\''
- . ' AND pdf_page_number = ' . $chpage;
- $page_rs = PMA_query_as_cu($page_query, FALSE, $query_default_option);
- $array_sh_page = array();
- $draginit = '';
- $reset_draginit = '';
- $i = 0;
- while ($temp_sh_page = @PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($page_rs)) {
- $array_sh_page[] = $temp_sh_page;
- }
- // garvin: Display WYSIWYG-PDF parts?
- if ($cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF']) {
- if (!isset($_POST['with_field_names']) && !isset($_POST['showwysiwyg'])) {
- $with_field_names = TRUE;
- }
- ?>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="./libraries/dom-drag.js"></script>
- <form method="post" action="pdf_pages.php" name="dragdrop">
- <input type="button" name="dragdrop" value="<?php echo $strToggleScratchboard; ?>" onclick="ToggleDragDrop('pdflayout');" />
- <input type="button" name="dragdropreset" value="<?php echo $strReset; ?>" onclick="resetDrag();" />
- </form>
- <div id="pdflayout" class="pdflayout" style="visibility: hidden;">
- <?php
- foreach ($array_sh_page AS $key => $temp_sh_page) {
- $drag_x = $temp_sh_page['x'];
- $drag_y = $temp_sh_page['y'];
- $draginit .= ' Drag.init(getElement("table_' . $i . '"), null, 0, parseInt(myid.style.width)-2, 0, parseInt(myid.style.height)-5);' . "\n";
- $draginit .= ' getElement("table_' . $i . '").onDrag = function (x, y) { document.edcoord.elements["c_table_' . $i . '[x]"].value = parseInt(x); document.edcoord.elements["c_table_' . $i . '[y]"].value = parseInt(y) }' . "\n";
- $draginit .= ' getElement("table_' . $i . '").style.left = "' . $drag_x . 'px";' . "\n";
- $draginit .= ' getElement("table_' . $i . '").style.top = "' . $drag_y . 'px";' . "\n";
- $reset_draginit .= ' getElement("table_' . $i . '").style.left = "2px";' . "\n";
- $reset_draginit .= ' getElement("table_' . $i . '").style.top = "' . (15 * $i) . 'px";' . "\n";
- $reset_draginit .= ' document.edcoord.elements["c_table_' . $i . '[x]"].value = "2"' . "\n";
- $reset_draginit .= ' document.edcoord.elements["c_table_' . $i . '[y]"].value = "' . (15 * $i) . '"' . "\n";
- $local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM '
- . PMA_backquote($temp_sh_page['table_name'] )
- . ' FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
- $fields_rs = PMA_DBI_query($local_query);
- unset($local_query);
- $fields_cnt = PMA_DBI_num_rows($fields_rs);
- echo '<div id="table_' . $i . '" class="pdflayout_table"><u>' . $temp_sh_page['table_name'] . '</u>';
- if (isset($with_field_names)) {
- while ($row = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($fields_rs)) {
- echo '<br />' . htmlspecialchars($row['Field']) . "\n";
- }
- }
- echo '</div>' . "\n";
- PMA_DBI_free_result($fields_rs);
- unset($fields_rs);
- $i++;
- }
- ?>
- </div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- function init() {
- refreshLayout();
- myid = getElement('pdflayout');
- <?php echo $draginit; ?>
- }
- function resetDrag() {
- <?php echo $reset_draginit; ?>
- }
- // -->
- </script>
- <?php
- } // end if WYSIWYG-PDF
- ?>
- <form method="post" action="pdf_pages.php" name="edcoord">
- <?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db, $table); ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="chpage" value="<?php echo $chpage; ?>" />
- <input type="hidden" name="do" value="edcoord" />
- <table border="0">
- <tr>
- <th><?php echo $strTable; ?></th>
- <th><?php echo $strDelete; ?></th>
- <th>X</th>
- <th>Y</th>
- </tr>
- <?php
- if (isset($ctable)) {
- unset($ctable);
- }
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($array_sh_page AS $dummy_sh_page => $sh_page) {
- $_mtab = $sh_page['table_name'];
- $tabExist[$_mtab] = FALSE;
- echo "\n" . ' <tr ';
- if ($i % 2 == 0) {
- echo 'bgcolor="' . $cfg['BgcolorOne'] . '"';
- } else {
- echo 'bgcolor="' . $cfg['BgcolorTwo'] . '"';
- }
- echo '>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <select name="c_table_' . $i . '[name]">';
- foreach ($selectboxall AS $key => $value) {
- echo "\n" . ' <option value="' . $value . '"';
- if ($value == $sh_page['table_name']) {
- echo ' selected="selected"';
- $tabExist[$_mtab] = TRUE;
- }
- echo '>' . $value . '</option>';
- } // end while
- echo "\n" . ' </select>'
- . "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <input type="checkbox" name="c_table_' . $i . '[delete]" value="y" />' . $strDelete;
- echo "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <input type="text" ' . ($cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] ? 'onchange="dragPlace(' . $i . ', \'x\', this.value)"' : '') . ' name="c_table_' . $i . '[x]" value="' . $sh_page['x'] . '" />';
- echo "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <input type="text" ' . ($cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] ? 'onchange="dragPlace(' . $i . ', \'y\', this.value)"' : '') . ' name="c_table_' . $i . '[y]" value="' . $sh_page['y'] . '" />';
- echo "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' </tr>';
- $i++;
- } // end while
- // Do one more empty row
- echo "\n" . ' <tr ';
- if ($i % 2 == 0) {
- echo 'bgcolor="' . $cfg['BgcolorOne'] . '"';
- } else {
- echo 'bgcolor="' . $cfg['BgcolorTwo'] . '"';
- }
- echo '>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <select name="c_table_' . $i . '[name]">';
- foreach ($selectboxall AS $key => $value) {
- echo "\n" . ' <option value="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>';
- }
- echo "\n" . ' </select>'
- . "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <input type="checkbox" name="c_table_' . $i . '[delete]" value="y" />' . $strDelete;
- echo "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <input type="text" name="c_table_' . $i . '[x]" value="' . (isset($sh_page['x'])?$sh_page['x']:'') . '" />';
- echo "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' <td>'
- . "\n" . ' <input type="text" name="c_table_' . $i . '[y]" value="' . (isset($sh_page['y'])?$sh_page['y']:'') . '" />';
- echo "\n" . ' </td>';
- echo "\n" . ' </tr>';
- echo "\n" . ' </table>' . "\n";
- echo "\n" . ' <input type="hidden" name="c_table_rows" value="' . ($i + 1) . '" />';
- echo ($cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] ? "\n" . ' <input type="hidden" name="showwysiwyg" value="' . ((isset($showwysiwyg) && $showwysiwyg == '1') ? '1' : '0') . '" />' : '');
- echo "\n" . ' <input type="checkbox" name="with_field_names" ' . (isset($with_field_names) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''). ' />' . $strColumnNames . '<br />';
- echo "\n" . ' <input type="submit" value="' . $strGo . '" />';
- echo "\n" . '</form>' . "\n\n";
- } // end if
- // Check if there are tables that need to be deleted,
- // if there are, ask the user for allowance
- $_strtrans = '';
- $_strname = '';
- $shoot = FALSE;
- if (!empty($tabExist) && is_array($tabExist)) {
- foreach ($tabExist AS $key => $value) {
- if (!$value) {
- $_strtrans .= '<input type="hidden" name="delrow[]" value="' . $key . '">' . "\n";
- $_strname .= '<li>' . $key . '</li>' . "\n";
- $shoot = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if ($shoot) {
- echo '<FORM action="pdf_pages.php" method="post">' . "\n"
- . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db, $table)
- . '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="deleteCrap">' . "\n"
- . '<input type="hidden" name="chpage" value="' . $chpage . '">' . "\n"
- . $strDelOld
- . '<ul>' . "\n"
- . $_strname
- . '</ul>' . "\n"
- . $_strtrans
- . '<input type="submit" value="' . $strGo . '">' . "\n"
- . '</FORM>';
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------
- // d i s p l a y p d f s c h e m a
- // ------------------------------------
- if (isset($do)
- && ($do == 'edcoord'
- || ($do == 'choosepage' && isset($chpage))
- || ($do == 'createpage' && isset($chpage)))) {
- ?>
- <form method="post" action="pdf_schema.php" name="pdfoptions">
- <?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db); ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="pdf_page_number" value="<?php echo $chpage; ?>" />
- <?php echo '<br /><b>' . $strDisplayPDF . '</b>'; ?>: <br />
- <input type="checkbox" name="show_grid" id="show_grid_opt" /><label for="show_grid_opt"><?php echo $strShowGrid; ?></label><br />
- <input type="checkbox" name="show_color" id="show_color_opt" checked="checked" /><label for="show_color_opt"><?php echo $strShowColor; ?></label><br />
- <input type="checkbox" name="show_table_dimension" id="show_table_dim_opt" /><label for="show_table_dim_opt"><?php echo $strShowTableDimension; ?></label><br />
- <input type="checkbox" name="all_tab_same_wide" id="all_tab_same_wide" /><label for="all_tab_same_wide"><?php echo $strAllTableSameWidth; ?></label><br />
- <input type="checkbox" name="with_doc" id="with_doc" checked="checked" /><label for="with_doc"><?php echo $strDataDict; ?></label>
- <br />
- <label for="orientation_opt"><?php echo $strShowDatadictAs; ?></label>
- <select id="orientation_opt" name="orientation" <?php echo ($cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] ? 'onchange="refreshDragOption(\'pdflayout\');"' : ''); ?>>
- <option value="L"><?php echo $strLandscape;?></option>
- <option value="P"><?php echo $strPortrait;?></option>
- </select><br />
- <label for="paper_opt"><?php echo $strPaperSize; ?></label>
- <select id="paper_opt" name="paper" <?php echo ($cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] ? 'onchange="refreshDragOption(\'pdflayout\');"' : ''); ?>>
- <?php
- foreach ($cfg['PDFPageSizes'] AS $key => $val) {
- echo '<option value="' . $val . '"';
- if ($val == $cfg['PDFDefaultPageSize']) {
- echo ' selected="selected"';
- }
- echo ' >' . $val . '</option>' . "\n";
- }
- ?>
- </select><br />
- <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $strGo; ?>" />
- </form>
- <?php
- if ((isset($showwysiwyg) && $showwysiwyg == '1')) {
- ?>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- ToggleDragDrop('pdflayout');
- // -->
- </script>
- <?php
- }
- } // end if
- } // end if ($cfgRelation['pdfwork'])
- /**
- * Displays the footer
- */
- echo "\n";
- require_once('./footer.inc.php');
- ?>